I help run a painting program at a homeless shelter here in Washington, D.C., and have worked to arrange an exhibition of the artwork by residents of the shelter. Information is as follows:
Missionaries of Charity, Gift of Peace -- Artwork by Residents
Opening Reception Sunday, May 6, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
At the Daystar Gallery in the Parish Center of Blessed Sacrament Church,
3630 Quesada Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Gift of Peace is a shelter for homeless individuals operated by the Missionaries of Charity, and established here in Washington, D.C. by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The paintings displayed in this exhibit were done by fourteen gentlemen who are presently in the care of the Sisters at Gift of Peace.
A painting program for these residents is run by four volunteer artists who provide materials, instruction and a weekly opportunity for music and artistic creativity. We hope that you will enjoy viewing these paintings as much as we enjoy seeing them take shape in our ongoing art classes.
In the name of our fourteen contributing artists, we thank you for coming to view this show.