Sunday, December 9, 2012

Yellow Barn Annual Members Show

Susan's painting, "Crew Team," was selected for the Yellow Barn Annual Members Show.

18th Annual Members Show
Sponsored by The Friends of the 
Yellow Barn Studio

Saturdays & Sundays in December
December 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22 & 23
12 - 5 PM

Sunday, November 4, 2012

BWS Exhibit at Friendship Heights Village Center

Susan's watercolor, "Sperryville Quilts Truck," is on display at the Friendship Heights Village Center this November as part of a Baltimore Watercolor Society show.

The exhibit runs from November 1-December 1.  Exhibit hours are Monday-Thursday, 9am-9pm, Friday 9am-5pm, and Saturday and Sunday 9am-2pm.  Friendship Center is located at 4433 South Park Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD.

Susan's painting is featured in the Friendship Heights Village Newsletter (screenshot below).

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Beach House Sneakers

Susan's work, entitled Beach House Sneakers,  is currently on exhibit at the Torpedo Factory Art Center's Art League Gallery.  This juried show, "Color Sphere," focuses on the use and meaning of color, and runs from October 3–November 5, 2012.  

2012 Mid-Atlantic Regional Watercolor Exhibition

This September, Susan's painting 101 East Melrose Street, was featured in the Baltimore Watercolor Society's 2012 Mid-Atlantic Regional Watercolor Exhibition.  The exhibit, which ran from August 29-October 4, was judged by Frank Webb.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July Shows

This July, Susan's artwork is displayed in two juried shows.

Her painting, "Stars, Stripes, and Shadows," is displayed at The Village of Friendship Heights center at 4433 South Park Ave., Chevy Chase, Maryland.  In this show, entitled "Three Cheers for the Red, White, & Blue," Susan's watercolor received a second place award.

"Three Peaches," shown below, is currently on exhibit at a juried all-media show at the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, VA.  

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bedtime Story, Chris

The painting below is currently showing in the May 2012 exhibit at the Art League at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, Virginia.  The theme of the show is "Bedtime Stories."

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Danny and Helen

This painting was shown at the Artistic Gallery exhibition in April 2012.

Gift of Peace Art Show

I help run a painting program at a homeless shelter here in Washington, D.C., and have worked to arrange an exhibition of the artwork by residents of the shelter.  Information is as follows:

Missionaries of Charity, Gift of Peace -- Artwork by Residents
Opening Reception Sunday, May 6, 2:00-4:00 p.m.

At the Daystar Gallery in the Parish Center of Blessed Sacrament Church, 
3630 Quesada Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 

Gift of Peace is a shelter for homeless individuals operated by the Missionaries of Charity, and established here in Washington, D.C. by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The paintings displayed in this exhibit were done by fourteen gentlemen who are presently in the care of the Sisters at Gift of Peace.

A painting program for these residents is run by four volunteer artists who provide materials, instruction and a weekly opportunity for music and artistic creativity. We hope that you will enjoy viewing these paintings as much as we enjoy seeing them take shape in our ongoing art classes.

In the name of our fourteen contributing artists, we thank you for coming to view this show.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Upcoming Events, 2012

Two paintings, "Winter Flag, Rittenhouse Street" (below), and "Gardener, Lafayette Park," will be shown at the annual Chevy Chase Women's Club Community Art Show in Chevy Chase, Maryland.  The exhibit runs from March 30 to April 1: Friday March 30, 2:00-5:00 PM; Saturday March 21, 11:00 AM-5:00 PM; Sunday, April 1, 1:00-5:00 PM.

Some of Susan's work will be represented at the Artistic Gallery in Wheaton, Maryland for two weeks, beginning on April 21.

Starting on Saturday, April 28, three watercolors will be on exhibit at "Art at the Mill," a show sponsored by the Clarke County Historical Association.  This show is held at the historic Burwell-Morgan Mill located in Millwood, Virginia.  The exhibit is open Sunday through Friday, 12-5:00 PM, and Saturday, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM.  The show ends on Sunday, May 13th.

First prize for watercolor at the annual Chevy Chase Women's Club exhibition, 2012.

Acceptance into the Baltimore Watercolor Society

In March of 2012, Susan was juried in as a Signature Member of the Baltimore Watercolor Society.  This organization promotes excellence in the creation and development of original works of art in water-based media.  BWS organizes and sponsors one of the best regional shows in the nation, featuring work by some of the most outstanding artists in the Mid-Atlantic area.  The annual show is judged by nationally known artists.

October, December, and January Shows

Susan recently has been in three separate juried exhibitions at Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, Virginia.  Her featured works were: "Stone Angel," October 2011; "101 East Melrose Street," December 2011; and "Chinese New Year," January 2012 (below).